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Live updates: Tropical Storm Dorian path and latest news – CNN

Puerto Ricans are bracing for Tropical Storm Dorian, which is expected to hit the eastern part of the island later today.

Dorian arrives just two years after the island was ravaged by Hurricane Maria. Here’s how the people of Puerto Rico are preparing for the storm.

Workers are preparing stores for the arrival of Dorian:


People have gathered at the coast in the hours before the Tropical Storm Dorian enters in Patillas, Puerto Rico: 

Residents are putting up shutters and plywood over the windows of homes in Yabucoa, Puerto Rico:

Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Joe Raedle/Getty Images
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LIVE: Watch as Tropical Storm Dorian approaches – CNN

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Brexit shock as UK PM asks Queen to suspend Parliament – Live – CNN

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has asked the Queen to prorogue, or suspend, Parliament. While he has to request the monarch to do this, the Queen’s role in the process is formal.

Can the Queen refuse?

Kings and queens in the past used their power of prorogation to suit their own purposes, but the Queen’s role nowadays is purely ceremonial.

While the UK doesn’t have a written constitution, the Queen’s powers are commanded by conventions that give her very little room to manoeuver.

As Head of State, the Queen must remain strictly neutral when it comes to politics. The Queen formally prorogues on the advice of the Privy Council, a group of the most senior lawmakers.

In other words, the likelihood is zero.

The Queen's role in the process is purely formal.
The Queen’s role in the process is purely formal. Photo: Getty Images

What is the Queen’s Speech?

The Queen’s Speech lays out the government’s future plans and the bills it plans to introduce. While its timing is flexible, it usually happens in the spring, marking the beginning of a new parliamentary session.

Queen Elizabeth II reads out the speech, written by the government, during a special ceremony in the House of Lords.

The Parliament is typically suspended for a short period of time before the new session starts. However, the timing of this suspension is controversial — because it effectively cuts short the time lawmakers have to stop a potential no-deal Brexit.

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She built a shelter after Hurricane Maria took her home. Now she worries Dorian will take that too

The rest was swept away by
Hurricane Maria in 2017, along with her furniture, the power and the plumbing. And now with
Tropical Storm Dorian set to hit Puerto Rico on Wednesday, she worries about what will happen next.

Beascochea’s situation is not unique in her town. Ponce Mayor Maria “Mayita” Melendez estimates that Maria caused as much as $1 billion in damages to the city. Homes there are still covered with tarps two years after the devastating storm.

Beascochea said FEMA gave her less than $9,000 for repairs to her home following Maria, but she says that doesn’t begin to cover the cost of what she really needs: a complete rebuild.

“The money they gave me, it’s not sufficient to redo the house. They only gave me to repair,” Beascochea said. “And that’s not enough money.”

CNN has reached out to FEMA about Beascochea’s case.

Instead, she built a temporary apartment in what used to be her backyard. She navigates her way to it as carefully as if she were walking a tightrope.

“The floor is falling,” she told CNN as she walked.

Holes and gaps mean that water leaks into her home when it rains.Holes and gaps mean that water leaks into her home when it rains.

The small square space with cinder block stairs functions as her bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room. She can fit only a mini refrigerator in the kitchen. There’s no longer room for her daughter and grandson to stay with her, she said.

The roof is made of tin, with visible punctures. She said when it rains, water comes through where the two pieces of tin meet. With Dorian coming, her brother has been helping her tie down the roof and cover any holes in preparation.

Dorian is expected to produce tropical storm force winds in Puerto Rico on Wednesday, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Though her home isn’t what it once was, it is all she has left — and she said fears she may lose that as well.

CNN’s Omar Jimenez and Bill Kirkos reported from Puerto Rico. Madeline Holcombe wrote from Atlanta.

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William Barrs terrible judgment

Any serious prosecutor knows that whenever two investigations overlap, you “deconflict”: Make sure that neither investigation touches on the same subject matter and, if necessary, consolidate or coordinate. Prosecutors avoid duplicative investigations because they waste resources and, in some instances, yield inconsistent results. Yet Barr — by adding a new attorney — has seemingly ignored that.

Barr’s latest decision plays right into Trump’s
false narrative that the Russia investigation was a “hoax.” In fact, the investigation was extraordinarily productive. It revealed that Russia conducted a criminal effort to influence the 2016 election; that the Trump campaign knew about and “expected it would benefit” from that effort; that the campaign had
dozens of contacts with Russians and lied about those contacts; and that some of the
President’s top aides and advisers, including Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen and others, committed federal felonies along the way.
What's next in the battle of Barr v. CongressWhat's next in the battle of Barr v. Congress
An important question remains: Did Barr ramp up the investigations on his own, or at the direction or suggestion of Trump? Trump denies giving such orders, though he’d hardly need to talk directly to Barr given his
incessant Twitter rants about investigating the investigators. During his Senate testimony on May 1, Barr conspicuously sputtered when
questioned by Sen. Kamala Harris.

Harris asked whether Trump or anyone at the White House had “ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone?” Barr — who is certainly smart enough to understand that question and give a straight answer — responded, “Um, the President or anyone else?” He then pretended not to understand the word “suggest” and then went with an inexplicable “I don’t know.”

Do not underestimate how absurd this exchange was. Barr feigned confusion about a word that an average fourth grader understands, then somehow claimed not to know whether the President told him to do something that he clearly must have known one way or the other.

Either Barr decided to accelerate an unnecessary and politically-driven case on his own, or he did it on presidential orders. Either way, Barr has shown terrible judgment and a disturbing willingness to use the Justice Department as a political tool.

Now, your questions

Christine, Washington: Is there a way that Congress can force all matters relating to subpoenas and contempt charges to be heard in court on a fast track?

Congress can and should request that the federal courts speed up review of disputes with the executive branch over enforcement of subpoenas relating to the unredacted Mueller report, former White House counsel Don McGahn’s testimony, Trump’s tax returns and other simmering disputes.

Legal battles over congressional subpoenas typically take months or years. For example,
litigation over the congressional contempt citation of former Attorney General Eric Holder spanned nearly seven years. Congress cannot afford to wait even a fraction of that time to vindicate its core oversight authority.
Finally Congress is fighting back vs. Trump. And the stakes couldn't be higherFinally Congress is fighting back vs. Trump. And the stakes couldn't be higher
I see two potential ways to speed things up. First, Congress can request that the federal courts appoint one judge as a “special master” to hear all congressional subpoena-related cases. And there is a recent example of this: a former federal judge
was appointed special master to adjudicate disputes relating to the Michael Cohen search warrant documents. A similar appointment now would provide several benefits: The appointed judge can develop expertise, ensure that rulings are consistent and hear matters on an expedited basis, moving them to the front of the docket if necessary.
Even in the absence of a special master, judges could move to expedite these cases. And one judge already is. Judge Amit Mehta
has decided to fast-track a congressional subpoena over Trump’s accounting firm’s records and is expected to rule as early as this week.
Second, Congress can invoke an
obscure rule that allows direct appeal to the Supreme Court (enabling Congress to skip the lower courts and save time). The rule applies only if the court decides that “the case is of such imperative public importance as to justify deviation from normal appellate practice” and “require[s] immediate determination.”
Congress has a reasonable argument that inter-branch subpoena disputes are of unique public importance and must be resolved quickly, given the ongoing constitutional showdown between the legislative and executive branches. The Supreme Court
rarely grants direct appeal outside of wartime, but it did so in another notable case involving the scope of executive branch authority:
United States v. Richard Nixon.

Harry, Canada: If and when Mueller testifies, what if any limits are there on what questions Congress can ask him?

Technically, Congress can ask Mueller anything at all — unlike in federal courts, there are no formal rules of evidence or procedure applicable to congressional testimony — but there likely are limits on what Mueller will answer. Those limits likely will mirror some of the
redactions made by Barr to Mueller’s report, including classified materials and information relating to ongoing criminal investigations. And Mueller cannot discuss
grand jury materials, which ordinarily are secret, without a court order permitting disclosure — which House Judiciary Chair Rep. Jerrold Nadler
has offered to seek in conjunction with Barr, but which Barr has declined.
Even with those limitations, Mueller’s testimony promises to be enormously consequential. Congress will press Mueller about whether he would have charged Trump with obstruction if not for the Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting president. And Mueller surely will be asked to elaborate on
his letter criticizing Barr for misstating the “context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s investigation. Even with limitations, the stakes will be stratospheric when Mueller takes his oath before Congress.

Carole, Florida: Since the House holds the “power of the purse,” what’s to prevent House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from clawing back appropriations to the Justice Department and the White House?

The House of Representatives holds ”
power of the purse” — the ability to
raise money for the federal government (through taxes) and
spend it (by allocating it to other federal entities). House leaders, including Rep. Adam Schiff, have begun to
publicly discuss the possibility of withholding federal money as a way to pressure the White House to comply with congressional subpoenas. It remains to be seen whether this is strategic posturing or a genuine threat.
Clinton's impeachment offers no lesson on Trump. But there's a case that doesClinton's impeachment offers no lesson on Trump. But there's a case that does

The threat of withholding federal funding may be the House’s most potent tool to force compliance, given the White House’s near-complete stonewalling of all congressional subpoenas thus far. But a purse-strings strategy carries political risks.

The White House surely will portray any congressional denial of federal funds as a temper tantrum imposing harm on the executive branch (and more broadly the American people) to strong-arm compliance with politically-motivated subpoenas. If anything goes wrong within the jurisdiction of any federal agency denied funding, the White House will point to Congress and say, “blame them for cutting off funding.”

House Democrats, meanwhile, will claim Trump forced their hand by ignoring constitutional checks and balances and essentially overriding the authority of Congress to conduct oversight. As House Oversight Chair Rep. Elijah Cummings said: “If a president can get away with blocking any information or anybody from testifying before the Congress, what road are we going down?” This will be a moment of truth and a test of how far Congress is willing to go to protect its constitutional standing.

Trevor, New Jersey: Given this Trump administration’s propensity to subvert the norms of the presidency, can Congress pass legislative changes to uphold them — for example, requiring presidential candidates to disclose tax returns?

The short answer is yes. But why? Our legal system consists of both written laws and an unwritten but widely observed set of behavioral norms. There are things you are strictly not allowed to do (laws) and things that, while legal, you just don’t do (norms).

Of course, norms change with time, and violation of norms can lead to new laws. The bipartisan
Task Force on Rule of Law and Democracy recently issued a report on the history of norms becoming laws. For example, it was long understood but not formally encoded in law that a president should serve two terms maximum; after Franklin Delano Roosevelt broke that norm and won third and fourth terms, we
amended the Constitution to explicitly set a two-term maximum. Another norm prevented Presidents from appointing family members to Cabinet positions — until John F. Kennedy nominated his brother Robert Kennedy as attorney general,
prompting Congress to pass a law
prohibiting officials from appointing relatives to federal agencies over which they have jurisdiction or control.
We might see several laws passed in the wake of the Trump presidency to address his norm-breaking. The task force
recommends a spate of new laws requiring disclosure of tax returns and financial information by presidential candidates, limiting presidential interference in Department of Justice matters and barring presidential self-pardons, among others. California is
already considering state-level legislation to require presidential candidates to make financial disclosures as a precondition to appearing on the ballot.

Lisa, Washington: What happens if McGahn decides on his own to testify — regardless of whether or not Trump invokes executive privilege of his live testimony?

The White House has
invoked executive privilege to try to prevent McGahn from producing documents to Congress (and almost certainly will make the same claim to bar McGahn’s live testimony). I believe that executive privilege argument ultimately
will fail on the merits in court.

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If Congress and McGahn did somehow agree that McGahn would defy the White House’s invocation of executive privilege and testify anyway, then the White House likely would seek an emergency court order to prevent it. Don’t expect to see McGahn testify in Congress until either all parties agree (which is unlikely) — or a court rules on executive privilege.

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Live updates: Tropical Storm Dorians path and potential impact – CNN

The Carnival Breeze is pictured in 2012
The Carnival Breeze is pictured in 2012 Andy Newman/Carnival Cruise Lines via Getty Images

Carnival Cruise Line is making some itinerary modifications to avoid the current path of Tropical Storm Dorian, the company announced today.

“Our Fleet Operations Center continues to monitor the storm and will make any adjustments as needed as the safety of our guests and crew is our number one priority,” the cruise line said in a statement.

Carnival Sunrise will still depart New York today as scheduled, but it will stop in San Juan, Puerto Rico on Friday instead of Grand Turk. It will head to Amber Cove on Saturday instead of its originally planned San Juan. It’s stop in Grand Turk will not be on Sunday.

Carnival Breeze, which was supposed to stop in San Juan on Wednesday, will stay at sea instead.

Meanwhile, Royal Caribbean said it has “modified the itineraries of Symphony of the Seas, Allure of the Seas, and Harmony of the Seas from Eastern to Western Caribbean routes.”

Norwegian Cruise Line said it has not changed any schedules, but added officials are still “closely monitoring the projection of Tropical Storm Dorian and will provide updates accordingly.”


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For Trump, keeping up the act must be exhausting

Michael D'AntonioMichael D'Antonio

In contrast, Emmanuel Macron emerged from the conference as an energetic leader who bypassed America to make a diplomatic outreach to Iran. The French President’s deft conduct at the G7, which featured climate change as a main topic, was all the more notable because of Trump’s clumsiness. As is his habit, Trump offered conflicting messages on the trade war he started with China, blamed his predecessors for the nation’s troubles — and failed to note that Melania Trump has never met Kim Jong Un.

Macron — and the world — are well aware of Trump’s inability to work well with others. Indeed,
at the last G7 Trump reneged on a commitment to affirm a pro-trade joint communique all the others had approved, and attacked the summit’s host, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, personally, calling him “very dishonest and weak.”

And so as Macron planned to host this year’s meeting, he decided there would be no communique at all to organize the proceedings, depriving Trump of the chance to repeat his skunk-in-the garden-party trick.

The French leader matched this defensive decision — which freed him to set a more unpredictable agenda — with an offense move of his own. To the surprise of many, he welcomed Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif to Biarritz on Sunday, opening the door for him to discuss trade security with his counterparts.

France was one of the six countries that signed a deal that froze Iran’s nuclear weapons program in 2015. (The others were the United Kingdom, Russia, France, China, Germany and the US). Under intense monitoring, Iran complied with its part of the bargain and received, in turn, more favorable trading arrangements with the rest of the world. However, Trump regards Iran as an enemy — and the agreement was devised by Obama (also a Trump enemy). He alienated the other signatories by abandoning the agreement last year.

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Trump did not meet with Zarif in Biarritz, but Macron’s move appeared to coax him into a more conciliatory posture toward Iran.

While Macron was deftly circumventing him on Iran, Trump was also outplayed by his erstwhile buddy Boris Johnson on the issue of climate change. Regarded by some as Britain’s version of Trump, Prime Minister Johnson glad-handed his American counterpart, but reminded the world that he disagrees with the President on climate change.
Johnson expressed concern about threats to biodiversity and he actually attended the G7 session on climate change, which Trump skipped.
The insult evident in Trump’s absence from that meeting was amplified by the deceptive explanation offered for his failure to attend. According to the White House press secretary, “The President had scheduled meetings and bilaterals with Germany and India, so a senior member of the Administration attended in his stead.”
In fact, the two leaders who supposedly kept Trump away were in their assigned chairs at the climate session. All anyone had to do to determine the truthfulness of the Trump claim was check a photo of the meeting, which circulated widely in the press.
A telling photo also seemed to reveal Justin Trudeau practicing a little gamesmanship with First Lady Melania Trump. Thanks to the angle of Trudeau’s approach as he greeted the First Lady,
cameras appear to have caught Mrs. Trump about to plant a big kiss on the movie-star-handsome Trudeau. In fact, it was only an air kiss, but the internet was ablaze with commentary about the apparently smitten look on Melania Trump’s face.

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Petty as it may seem — and much of what is being said on social media about Trudeau and the First Lady is petty — it’s no surprise to see so much attention focused on the possible signals in photos. Much of the world is exhausted by President Trump’s behavior and his attention seeking.

During the G7, China’s foreign ministry joined the pushback against Trump,
pouring cold water on the President’s claim that recent contacts between Beijing and the administration suggested progress in the trade war Trump started. “We’ve gotten two calls,” over the weekend, Trump said on Monday. “They want to be able to make a deal.” But a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry told a news briefing: “Regarding the phone call in the weekend, I am not aware of that.”
Like the Chinese, the G7 leaders seem to have figured out Trump’s methods, and have devised ways to quietly cope with them. Trump likes to present himself as a unique, even heroic figure who can do things others cannot. In Biarritz he even
suggested that if he — and not Barack Obama — had been president when Russia invaded Crimea, it would have been stopped. He also vehemently urged leaders to bring Vladimir Putin, who was exiled from what was once the G8 because of his aggression, back into the great nations’ club.

No other members of the group have proposed bringing Russia back into the fold, and as he suggested it — and they resisted — Trump underlined his isolated status.

Indeed, weak as the President seemed in contrast with Macron, his cravenly self-interested comments at the Monday press conference highlighted his scant relevance to the proceedings.

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Biden, Sanders and Warren take different paths to the top of the 2020 pack

Warren and Sanders, the party’s de facto progressive leaders, are increasingly showing signs they are primed to run down Biden, who has maintained his polling advantage through the first few months of his campaign. The Monmouth survey put all three within a single percentage point, well within the margin of error. Still, it is the first national poll that showed anyone other than Biden in front. Supporters of Warren and Sanders can point to that and the trendlines, which see them gaining, while Biden’s pollster, armed with other recent surveys,
argued on Monday that his rivals are celebrating a false dawn.

Warren’s climb has been slow and steady, her numbers consistently ticking up as she begins to accrue a priceless cultural capital — see the “selfie lines,” read the “plans” — among Democratic voters. Sanders, too, is busting early perceptions about his second presidential run, showing himself to be more resilient than many expected while gaining support among minority voters, the key constituency that largely rejected him in 2016.

Biden’s trajectory is more difficult to read. He enjoyed comfortable leads in other recent polls from
CNN — on the rise and nearly double of both Sanders and Warren, at 29% — and
Fox News, which had him with a similar advantage. But his uneven performance on the stump has been drawing the wrong kind of headlines, potentially undermining the former vice president’s core argument: electability.

Differences on the trail

The three candidates might be drawing closer together in the polls, but the diverging paths of their campaigns were on display this past weekend, as Warren was swept up by big crowds out west, Sanders kicked up a storm in Kentucky and Biden, in early-voting New Hampshire, occasionally slipped up when he went off-script.

Seattle on Sunday embraced the emboldened Warren, with an estimated 15,000 people turning out for massive town hall event in a grassy park underneath the Space Needle. Asked by someone in the crowd how she would take on a “bottom feeder” like Trump without losing herself in the fight, Warren flashed her sharp elbows.

“You don’t back down from a bully. You have to be willing to lay into this. And nobody is getting behind me on a debate stage and doing a handsy thing — that’s not happening,” she said, a reference to Trump’s stalking of Hillary Clinton during one of their 2016 debates.

Warren’s core message hasn’t changed since the early days of the campaign, but her audiences are getting larger as liberal affection for both her policies and political style grows alongside them.

“We’re not going to win this by just saying ‘not Trump.’ We’re not,” she said in response to the question about the President. “We should call him out on specific policies, we should make sure people understand where he stands, when he’s ugly, we should call it out, but that’s not enough. It’s not enough to be ‘not Trump.’ A country that elects Donald Trump is a country in serious trouble.”

Dawn Jorgenson and her 21-year-old daughter, Sophia, who said they were fans of Warren since her 2017 spat with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — an exchange that ended with an enduring gift, his frustrated observation that, “Nevertheless, she persisted” — both stood in a photo line for hours to get their “selfie” with the senator.

“I can appreciate the fact that she’s standing out here spending all this time when she’s probably exhausted, to meet and shaking hands. To me, that says a lot about her character and her person just to do that,” Jorgenson told CNN.

Her daughter interjected while laughing, “We are hoping she gets a dinner break sometime in there.” That meal wouldn’t come for a while — Warren spent four hours posing for pictures before calling it a night.

Back east, Sanders was talking about McConnell, too. At a Sunday rally in Louisville, Kentucky, he addressed the Republican leader directly. It’s a tactic Sanders’ campaign has leaned into over the summer as it moved away from more traditional speeches and toward more creative, confrontational spectacles, pitting the Vermont independent against powerful political figures and corporate interests.

Joe Biden probably still leads the Democratic raceJoe Biden probably still leads the Democratic race

Accusing McConnell of “cowardice” and labeling him “an obstructionist,” Sanders cast the Senate majority leader as a tool of big money.

“I say to Sen. McConnell, have the courage to stand with the working people of Kentucky and America,” Sanders said. “Not your wealthy campaign contributors.”

A few hours earlier, Sanders — in a last-minute addition to his schedule — had stood on a flatbed in a parking lot, bullhorn in hand, addressing striking members of the Communications Works of America, as the union ramped up its contract stand-off with AT&T.

A day later, he was in Pittsburgh collecting his first national labor endorsement of the 2020 campaign. It came from the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. His hands clasped and raised with union members, Sanders offered his gratitude — and a promise.

“Brothers and sisters, this means a lot to me. I want to thank you very much. We have an enormous struggle in front of us, but I am confident that with you at my side, we’re gonna win that struggle,” he said.

While Sanders and Warren have campaign relentlessly through these final days of August, Biden’s appearances on the trail have been more measured. His words, like his politics, are more cautious than the progressive pair, and in New Hampshire during a two-day visit, he hosted a town hall on health care while seeking out the folksy connections that have been the hallmark of his political career.

He also pulled some punches when it came to Trump, a nod to the fraying tradition of bipartisan solidarity with the commander-in-chief during diplomatic trips.

Trump’s foreign policy “has me greatly concerned, but I’m not going to take the time today,” Biden said at a campaign stop. “It’s an omission by intention because I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to be criticizing an American president when they’re abroad and engaging in foreign policy.”

Biden and Sanders represent the ideological poles of the Democratic Party in this election cycle, but there is at least one similar question facing their candidacies: age. Biden fueled those concerns again over the weekend, referring to the G7 summit as the G8 and, when asked what he thought about Keene, New Hampshire, replying, “What’s not to love about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it? I mean this is sort of a scenic, beautiful town.”

When the question of voter anxiety over his age came up, Biden, 76, replied, “I say if they’re concerned, don’t vote for me.”

At his own rallies, at least, there weren’t signs of such apprehensions.

“He’s been doing this kind of stuff all his life. It’s not an old age thing,” said Joe Cullum, who popped over from Spofford, New Hampshire, to see Biden. “And who doesn’t (slip up speaking)? When you’re out there doing that, it’s not easy.”

When a similar question was put to Sanders days earlier at the Minnesota State Fair, the 77-year-old — who keeps a hustling campaign schedule — issued a challenge of his own: “Follow me on the campaign trail,” he said, eventually asking that he be judged “on the number of picket lines that I’ve been on with working people throughout my entire life.”

After closing his remarks and wending his way through the fairgrounds, Sanders wrapped his appearance with a campaign custom of sorts — a few rounds of arcade basketball.

CNN’s Arlette Saenz contributed to this report.

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Babies exposed to drugs are kicked out of other daycares. They come here instead

That last question might sound unusual, but this new child care center in Huntington, West Virginia, is unusual: It serves only babies and toddlers who were exposed to drugs in the womb.

It’s believed to be the first of its kind in the country — and there’s a waiting list to get in.

That’s because at Cabell Huntington Hospital, the largest hospital in the city, 1 out of 5 babies is born to a mother who used opioids while pregnant.

The babies go through treatment for drug withdrawal before they’re discharged from the hospital, but that doesn’t mean the problems end there.

The babies at the child care center range in age from 6 weeks to 2 years, and sometimes cry for hours on end. Teachers struggle to calm them down.

“They’re just inconsolable,” said Suzi Brodof, executive director of the center. “It’s not just crying. It’s a high-pitched wailing.”

“It’s exceptionally difficult to hear them cry,” added Janie Fuller-Phelps, the director of the center. “There are times you just feel helpless, hopeless.”

It gets worse: The babies sometimes have twitching and tremors — even seizures.

A caretaker tends to 7-week-old Oliveah.A caretaker tends to 7-week-old Oliveah.

When the center opened in June, staffers from the hospital visited to share what works best for babies with
neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). These babies are super sensitive, they advised. Keep the lights dim. No bright colors on the walls. Where other babies and toddlers might love stimulation — loud singing or noisy toys — these babies need the opposite.

“These children just have different needs than other children,” Brodof said.

That’s why some babies with NAS get kicked out of other child care centers.

“Yes, they actually get kicked out. It happens frequently,” said Lisa Ertl, interim director of the division of early care and education at the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources. “The typical caregiver doesn’t know how to handle them.”

Janie Fuller-Phelps holds 4-month-old Huck.Janie Fuller-Phelps holds 4-month-old Huck.

The center in Huntington, run by River Valley Child Development Services, is funded by the state and currently has eight children. There’s space for eight more, but not enough money to pay for staffing.

Six of the children at the center were exposed to opioids while in the womb and two were exposed to methamphetamines, according to umbilical cord testing. They were all exposed to other drugs as well.

Even after just a few weeks, the teachers can see changes in the children. Huck, a 4-month-old baby boy, has fewer crying spells, and now smiles and giggles at his teachers.

But like many babies exposed to drugs, his muscles are tense, and his teachers massage him and straighten his arms and legs.

A daycare teacher cares for 11-month old twins.A daycare teacher cares for 11-month old twins.

The center’s oldest children are 11-month-old twins, a boy and a girl. At first, the girl twin didn’t want anyone to hold her. Now, she toddles over to her teacher and throws up her arms, waiting to be picked up.

The twins’ mother, and most of the other mothers at River Valley’s center, live at Project Hope for Women & Children, a drug rehab center in Huntington. While their babies are in child care, the mothers can focus on their own treatment during the day.

“The moms are not villains,” Brodof said. “They suffer from a disease and are taking steps to care for themselves and their children, and that’s where we come in.”

The center’s goal is to give the children the best possible care early on, so they’re less likely to face problems when they get to school. Babies exposed to opioids prenatally are more likely to suffer problems later in life such as motor and cognitive impairments and ADHD, according to a
2015 study by researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

“The damage of prenatal opiate exposure is debilitating and long lasting,” according to the researchers.

Jacob, Gabriel and Andrianna Riling on a walk with their 70-year-old grandparents, Beverly and Andrew Riling.Jacob, Gabriel and Andrianna Riling on a walk with their 70-year-old grandparents, Beverly and Andrew Riling.

Beverly Riling knows this instinctively.

Her 11-year-old granddaughter, Andrianna Riling, was born with NAS, and in October she filed a lawsuit against several opioid manufacturers.

“After she came home from the hospital, she shook and cried constantly,” Riling remembers. “Nothing calmed her down.”

According to the lawsuit, Andrianna “is a victim of the opioid crisis that has ravaged Wyoming County, West Virginia, the epicenter of the national opioid crisis, causing immense suffering to those infants born addicted to opioids and great expense to those forced to deal with the aftermath.”

Riling and her husband, Andrew, both 70, have custody of Andrianna and her two older brothers, Jacob and Gabriel, ages 16 and 14. The suit asks for damages to compensate them for the NAS-related injuries, as well as punitive damages.

Andrianna’s lawyer, Booth Goodwin, and his colleagues are screening about 200 additional children for more possible lawsuits.

Raising a family was the last thing the Rilings expected to be doing at their age but because of the opioid crisis, they’re hardly alone in West Virginia.

In Wyoming County, the rural area where the Rilings live, there are just over 20,000 residents. Among them, 409 are children living with grandparents and 313 are children living in foster care, according to the
Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Kids Count Data Center.

Back at the child care center, Brodof is trying to raise money so she can hire more staffers and fill the other eight spots.

“We know they need that extra special care, that cuddling, that love,” she said. “And with that we know we’ll be able to make a difference for them.”

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G7 summit in Biarritz, France: Live updates – CNNPolitics

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT/AFP/Getty Images

The French foreign minister says it was not their hope to have Trump meet with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif by bringing Zarif to the G7. 

Asked by CNN on Monday whether that was the motivation behind bringing Zarif to the summit, the French foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, said no, “there was no hope” of that kind of meeting. 

Some background: Zarif’s surprise appearance caught some US officials off-guard. French President Emmanuel Macron informed his fellow leaders that Zarif would make the visit only the night before he arrived.

Trump maintained a neutral view of the development on Monday, saying he was not surprised and had even given Macron his approval to push forward with planning the Zarif visit.

“Macron spoke with me, he asked me,” Trump said. “I said if you want to do it that’s okay. I don’t consider that disrespectful at all, especially when he asked me for approval.”

Still, Trump said he felt it was too early for a meeting with Zarif himself. And he continued to trash the Iran nuclear deal, an accord that European leaders are working to salvage after Trump withdrew.