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Mexican and U.S. Feds Find Cartel Smuggling Tunnel to Arizona

Federal authorities from both sides of the border found a cartel tunnel under construction. It was designed to go under the streets of Nogales, Sonora, and connect with its sister city in Arizona.

The discovery took place this week when Mexican National Guardsmen working with U.S. Customs and Border Protection found a house on the Mexican side where a tunnel was being dug. The tunnel is approximately 580 yards away from the Dennis DeConcini Port of Entry, a statement by CBP revealed.

The tunnel was dug by hand and had no lighting or ventilation. The structure ran 15-20 feet deep under the streets of Nogales, running 30 feet end-to-end.

According to CBP, the tunnel is the 126th structure of its kind discovered since 1990 and the second unfinished tunnel this year.

In January, federal authorities found a working tunnel described as the longest to date under the California-Mexico border. That tunnel started in Tijuana, Baja California, near an industrial district located west of the Otay Mesa Port of Entry and stretched 4,309 feet.

Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and senior Breitbart management. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at

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What we know about potential coronavirus vaccines and treatments

More than 20 potential vaccines aimed at preventing coronavirus disease are in development around the world, the World Health Organization’s director-general said Friday.

But health officials have consistently said it will take at least a year before any vaccine is proven effective and gets necessary approvals for wide distribution.

Meanwhile, several treatments aimed at healing patients or alleviating symptoms already are in clinical trials.

Potential treatments

The anitviral drug remdesivir:

An existing antiviral drug, remdesivir, is showing signs of helping to treat this new coronavirus, the World Health Organization has said.

“There is only one drug right now that we think may have real efficacy and that’s remdesivir,” Bruce Aylward, a WHO assistant director-general,
said this week at a press conference in Beijing.
California patient with unknown origin of coronavirus is in serious condition, official saysCalifornia patient with unknown origin of coronavirus is in serious condition, official says
Remdesivir is an experimental drug that was tested in humans to
treat the Ebola virus, though studies found it was ineffective for that.
Developed by American biotech firm
Gilead Sciences, the drug is slated for these trials:

The University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha: A clinical trial is
underway there — and the first participant is an American who was evacuated from the
Diamond Princess cruise ship docked in Japan, the US National Institutes of Health said.

Participants will receive 200 milligrams of remdesivir intravenously when they’re enrolled and another 100 while they’re hospitalized for up to 10 days in total. A placebo group will receive a solution that resembles remdesivir but contains only inactive ingredients, the NIH said.

“We will know reasonably soon whether it works. And if it does, we will then have an effective therapy to distribute,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Wednesday.

Studies elsewhere: About 1,000 coronavirus patients, primarily in Asia, will be part of two randomized studies of remdesivir, starting in March, Gilead Sciences
said Wednesday.
Coronavirus spreads to more countries as markets take historic tumbleCoronavirus spreads to more countries as markets take historic tumble

One will be for about 400 patients with severe symptoms. The other will be for about 600 patients with more moderate symptoms. The study will look at the effectiveness of different dosing durations: Patients in both groups will receive the drug for either five or 10 days.

HIV drugs: Doctors around the world, including in
Thailand and China, have been trying a combination of HIV and flu drugs.
Results of those studies haven’t been widely reported, but there are a few reasons to explore HIV antiretroviral drugs. Like HIV, coronaviruses are
RNA viruses. And years ago, a combination of HIV drugs and an antiviral drug seemed to help some patients in the 2002-2004 outbreak of SARS, caused by a different coronavirus, according to a study
published in the journal Thorax.
“China learned from prior coronavirus epidemics (
SARS and
MERS) to repurpose antiretroviral and antiviral medications for partial treatment of this newest global health scare,” Dr. Sten Vermund, dean of the Yale School of Public Health,
wrote for CNN last month.

Potential vaccines

A number of companies around the world say they’ve developed potential vaccines after obtaining genetic information about the virus.

Since this coronavirus emerged in in December in Wuhan, China, these candidates have emerged quickly. By comparison, researchers took about 20 months to start human tests of the vaccine for SARS,
Fauci has written.

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But the reality is that health officials insist these potential vaccines can’t be approved for at least a year. Fauci gave CNN this outlook on Wednesday:

— The first Phase 1 clinical trial could begin in about two months.

— Such a trial, involving about 45 people, would last about three months. Researchers would try to determine if the candidate is safe and immunogenic.

— The next phase, involving hundreds of people, would last another six to eight months.

So, even if a candidate is proven safe and effective, it won’t be ready for use this year, Fauci said.

Moderna, using messenger RNA, aims to make drugs that direct cells in the body to make proteins to prevent or fight disease.

The technology has had positive results from Phase 1 tests across six different vaccines, one of which is currently in a Phase 2 trial, according to a company spokesperson. But Moderna has yet to produce a proven vaccine with its mRNA platform.

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Dow falls another 1,000 points

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Coronavirus news and live updates: Markets take historic tumble as virus spreads – CNN

A person has their hands sanitized before entering a state hospital in Lagos, Nigeria, on February 28.
A person has their hands sanitized before entering a state hospital in Lagos, Nigeria, on February 28. Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP via Getty Images

The head of Nigeria’s National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) says the country is more than capable of dealing with coronavirus as Africa’s most populous nation records the first case in Sub-Saharan Africa.

“Nigeria is ready,” Chikwe Ihekweazu said. “We successfully managed Ebola and we manage outbreaks all the time and are currently managing Lassa fever. We have a strong team that is used to doing this.”

Ihekweazu told CNN the Italian patient who arrived in the country with the virus is currently stable and “has mild to moderate symptoms.”

“We are very hopeful for his full recovery,” said Ihekweazu, an epidemiologist who was appointed CEO of the NCDC in 2016 and has been credited with transforming the organization.

According to Ihekweazu, the man was screened on arrival at the airport, however he presented no symptoms at the time, which is why the temperature scanners at the airport did not detect him.

“Screening is not a fool-proof method as the virus has an incubation period of four to five days,” he added.

Nigerian officials say the patient arrived in Lagos on Tuesday and became ill the next day, but physicians who examined him contacted the NCDC after asking him about his travel history.

“He had astute physicians,” Ihekweazu said. “The doctor got in touch with us when he found out he had just come from Milan, we collected a sample, tested it and isolated him in a facility in Lagos that manages infectious diseases.” 

Ihekweazu points to the speed with which Nigeria identified and confined the patient as a sign the country is prepared to deal with the outbreak.

“The system worked. We identified this case, diagnosed and isolated within 48 hours of it entering the country. In other countries like Iran and Italy for instance, by the time the first case had been confined, there was widespread contact.” 

He said the government is now racing to identify all the passengers on the plane and all the people he may have come in contact with the man who was working as a consultant in Ogun State, around 100 km outside of Lagos.

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Coronavirus news and live updates: First case in Sub-Saharan Africa – CNN

President Donald Trump holds up a document showing "countries best and worst prepared for an epidemic" during a news conference at the White House.
President Donald Trump holds up a document showing “countries best and worst prepared for an epidemic” during a news conference at the White House. Eric Baradat/AFP/Getty Images

President Donald Trump is hoping for a “miracle” that will make the coronavirus disappear but tanking stock markets and signs the disease is stalking America are delivering their verdict on his scattershot management of the crisis.

A historic Wall Street sell off, the first case on US soil that could not be traced to travel to countries battling the virus, and news of drug shortages outpaced White House efforts to show everything was under control.

“It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear,” Trump said at the White House Thursday as the virus marched across Asia and Europe after US officials said the US should brace for severe disruption to everyday life.

Controlling the narrative: An order for public health officials to clear all television appearances with the White House meanwhile raised the question of whether Trump will prioritize science as the threat from coronavirus rises or his own political standing. Meanwhile, sources told CNN that all media appearances have to now be cleared with Pence’s office. The move could deprive Americans of sober, science-based advice from some of the best public health experts in the world.

Whistleblower: In a shocking report, The Washington Post revealed that health officials met Americans evacuated from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the disease without proper training or protective gear, according to a whistleblower account.

California cases: California is monitoring 8,400 people for the virus and an announcement that the state has already confirmed its first case of community transmission further shook public confidence.

Contradictions: CNN has reported that Trump has been angered that government health experts have contradicted his attempts to downplay the threat from the virus by saying it is all but “inevitable” the US will be affected and there will be severe disruption.

The revelation will do little to quell suspicions that Trump is trying to suppress damaging information to pacify the markets and protect himself politically and gets to the fundamental issue of the administration’s squandering of public trust.

Read the full analysis here.

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Teacher of the year suspended for showing students a picture of her fiancée wins $100,000 settlement

Stacy Bailey, who was on paid leave, reached a $100,000 settlement with the Mansfield Independent School District last week, her attorney said.

The district near Fort Worth agreed to remove the eight-month leave from her record, as well as offer mandatory training on LGBTQ issues to human resources and counseling staff in its schools.

The two-time teacher of the year was giving a welcome back to school presentation in August 2017 to her class when she showed a photo of her and her then-fiancee dressed as characters from the movie “Finding Nemo,” according to court documents obtained by CNN.

A parent complained to the school, saying that Bailey was “promoting the homosexual agenda,” according to court documents.

“That’s one of the biggest reasons that I did stand up, because I thought if I would have stayed silent or I would have resigned that this would have just happened to someone else after me,” Bailey said Tuesday at a press conference, according to
CNN affiliate KTVT.

Being able to finally talk about what happened is a relief for Bailey, but it’s also been bittersweet, her attorney Jason C. N. Smith told CNN on Thursday.

Stacy Bailey (right) and her wife, Julie Vazquez.Stacy Bailey (right) and her wife, Julie Vazquez.

“She is glad to finally be able to speak about this,” Smith said. “She’s talked about how she’s a gay teacher, a dedicated gay teacher, and they put her through a lot of pain, but she is hopeful that some of the provisions of the settlement will make Mansfield ISD a more tolerant place for LGBTQ people.”

Bailey taught for 10 years at Charlotte Anderson Elementary School in Arlington, Smith said. The teacher was transferred to Lake Ridge High School, which is in the same school district, at the end of the 2018 school year. She is still at Lake Ridge.

The district’s school board agreed to the settlement terms on Monday.

“The Mansfield ISD School Board has voted on an agreement to settle the case in question in an amicable and beneficial manner,” Donald Williams, associate superintendent of communications and marketing, said in a statement.

“All parties deny any wrongdoing or liability, but wish to resolve their disputes to avoid the time, expense, stress and other impacts of continuing litigation, which would interfere with the mission of educating the students of MISD.”

Bailey argued she was discriminated against and her constitutional rights were violated. The school district said the teacher refused to follow administration directions “regarding age-appropriate conversations with students” about sexual orientation.

Beyond the mandatory LGBTQ training, optional training will be offered to administrators, staff, teachers or parents who would like to attend, according to settlement documents.

A teacher fired from a Catholic school for being gay has reached a settlementA teacher fired from a Catholic school for being gay has reached a settlement

The settlement also requires the school district to provide Bailey with a “neutral” letter of recommendation.

As the Supreme Court is considering cases based on sexual orientation that may affect the district board’s policies, the board of trustees will consider adopting a policy barring discrimination of teachers and students based on sexual orientation within 60 days of the end of the court’s term, the settlement says.

“I think this settlement was a win-win for Stacy, the educators and the students of Mansfield ISD,” Smith said. “The judge in this case ruled that gay teachers are protected by the Constitution. That’s a precedent that will protect every gay teacher in this country.”

Smith said that Bailey hopes other teachers will also be more open and be their genuine selves.

“Stacy has encouraged other teachers to live their truth and openly be who they are in the classroom so they can be better people and better teachers,” Smith said.

Bailey and her wife, Julie Vazquez, were married in March 2018, Smith said.

The couple said they will donate $10,000 of the settlement money to a nonprofit that focuses on LGBTQ issues. Smith said he will donate $10,000 of his reduced legal fees to the
Human Rights Campaign, which is the largest LGBTQ advocacy group and political lobbying organization in the US.

CNN’s Justin Lear and Melissa Alonso contributed to this report.

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Coronavirus news and live updates: South Korea cases surpass 2,000 – CNN

South Korean medical workers wearing protective gear visit a residence of people with suspected symptoms of the coronavirus in Daegu on Thursday.
South Korean medical workers wearing protective gear visit a residence of people with suspected symptoms of the coronavirus in Daegu on Thursday. Jung Yeon-je/AFP/Getty Images

The coronavirus outbreak is continuing to spread across the globe, with cases reported in every continent except Antartica.

In Asia, South Korea reached a grim milestone on Friday of more than 2,000 cases.

The latest numbers: There are more than 83,000 cases around the world, including over 2,850 deaths. The vast majority of these are in mainland China, which has reported 78,824 cases and 2,788 deaths.

The deaths: Outside of mainland China, 70 virus-related deaths have been recorded:

  • Iran: 26
  • Italy 17
  • South Korea: 13
  • Japan 8  
  • Hong Kong and France: 2 each
  • The Philippines and Taiwan: 1 each 

South Korea spike: The East Asian country has the most confirmed coronavirus cases outside of mainland China, totaling 2,022. It has reported 13 deaths. Many of the cases are linked to a religious group in the country’s south.

More cases in Italy: At least 650 people have tested positive for coronavirus in Italy, officials said. Across Europe, at least 11 countries now have confirmed cases of the virus, with many of the patients having visited the Lombardy region at the center of Italy’s outbreak.

Stock market plunge: US stocks again sold off sharply as coronavirus fears mounted. The Dow closed down 1,191 points, or 4.4% — the worst one-day point drop in history. The index has now lost 3,226 points this week.

Saudi Arabia bans some pilgrimages: Saudi Arabia has suspended pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina for people outside the country over coronavirus fears. For context, a wholesale temporary ban on foreign visits to the holy sites is a first in living memory. 

Coronavirus in Africa: Nigeria confirmed its first case of coronavirus on Thursday in Lagos state. Nigeria is the third African nation to report the virus, the others are Egypt and Algeria which both have one case each.

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Trump stumbles in first efforts to control virus response as fear spreads and markets fall

On the way back to the White House, Trump decided it was time to take the reins himself: he would hold a news conference that evening, confident in his ability to bend the public narrative to his will.

Yet as the day went on, and plans for the news conference came together, uncertainty reigned.

By 4:30 pm, the jet-lagged President had only just come down to the Oval Office from the residence, and to the assembled officials who were there, it was still unclear what he intended to say at the news conference, which was just two hours away, said one senior Republican who was in the White House.

Earlier in the week, Trump had privately told allies he was close to taking the coronavirus response efforts out of the hands of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, two sources familiar with the matter said.

Despite denials from the White House that he was
considering replacing Azar with a “czar” to lead the federal response, when Trump stepped up to the lectern in the White House briefing room, that’s effectively what he did by putting Vice President Mike Pence in charge.

The Pence decision was made shortly before the news conference and came as a shock to Azar, according to a senior Republican official. Pence, a frequent defender of Azar during his rocky relationship with the President, had agreed to step in, though there didn’t appear to be much of a choice. Senior people who work for the vice president were caught by surprise by the announcement, according to one official who spoke to CNN.

For weeks, some of Trump’s aides and allies have tried to impress upon him the seriousness of the coronavirus situation, warning him of the threat to the global economy and — by proxy — his reelection prospects, according to people familiar with the conversations.

Motivated by devastating losses on Wall Street, Trump finally decided to heed that advice. Yet it’s unclear how much it helped.

His instincts led him to downplay the seriousness of the threat once again on Wednesday, undermining the predictions of his own top health officials standing behind him, and fueling concern over his administration’s ability to coordinate a response to a complicated problem.

The financial fallout has also gotten worse.

The markets provided an initial verdict on Trump’s performance Wednesday; Dow futures moved from positive to negative during the news conference. Markets opened deep in the red on Thursday. By the time the market closed that afternoon, the Dow had
dropped an additional 1,191 points, bringing the total amount of wealth erased over the past week to more than $2 trillion.
Congressional Republicans who
were already fretting over the White House response to the coronavirus were left scratching their heads.

One House Republican told CNN the falling stock market “was the only metric you needed to look at to see how poorly that was handled.”

“We trust the President, but we really trust the President’s experts. It would be a lot better if publicly they were more aligned,” the member said.

Biggest governing challenge

Interviews with more than 20 sources across Washington — including lawmakers, White House officials, health experts and diplomats — paint a picture of deep concern over the widening coronavirus outbreak and the Trump administration’s readiness to handle the crisis.

trump downplays coronavirus threattrump downplays coronavirus threat

As recently as last week, Trump was telling confidants that he doesn’t foresee the virus making a big impact in the US. And on Wednesday he repeated his belief that it could be slowed by warmer weather, despite no evidence to support the claim.

Now the White House is confronting what some officials describe as the biggest governing challenge of Trump’s presidency. Mindful that a botched response would spell potential political ruin, efforts have scaled up rapidly in the past several days, and one official said the response was nearing an all-consuming endeavor.

For the past month, there have been daily coronavirus meetings in the White House Situation Room. Yet it’s unclear how effective they have been.

One person familiar with the discussions said the attendees at the meetings were often at a loss for how to solve the problems associated with the coronavirus, and for weeks were focused primarily on ways to prevent anyone infected or definitively exposed to the disease — including American citizens — from traveling to the US.

Officials have delivered topline numbers and broad-strokes information about the outbreak without delving into nitty-gritty specifics, a person familiar with the matter said, believing Trump to be uninterested in deeply detailed updates.

Some officials have blamed the cursory briefings for a breakdown in communication that has led to bursts of outrage by the President, who has complained he’s been kept out of the loop on key decisions regarding potentially infected Americans returning to the US.

There is evidence things are improving. Speaking to CNN on Thursday, one government official working with the White House on its coronavirus response said, “There has been a sea of change since yesterday,” noting that the situation had gone from zero communication to multiple conversations on Thursday.

This official noted that while the White House still didn’t seem to have a full communications plan in place, it was reaching out to get an understanding of what was needed, including giving regular updates on travel.

State Department officials remain on edge, given how unpredictable Trump is and that he is a known germophobe, according to a source familiar with the situation. Some predict he will suddenly make a rash decision, such as barring incoming flights with people who could be infected.

Some US diplomats stationed overseas in countries where there are coronavirus cases are asking to come home, two sources say.

Pence effect

In this October 24, 2019, file photo, Vice President Mike Pence speaks at the 
Wilson Center's inaugural Frederic V. Malek Public Service Leadership lecture, in Washington. In this October 24, 2019, file photo, Vice President Mike Pence speaks at the 
Wilson Center's inaugural Frederic V. Malek Public Service Leadership lecture, in Washington.

Several people close to Pence fear that his appointment could spell political disaster for the vice president, putting him in an impossible position given health experts’ warning that the virus will spread more in the US before the situation improves.

“Trump put Pence in because he thinks Pence will f— it up,” a Trump adviser said, describing some of the fears already being expressed by people close to the vice president.

But one GOP official noted Pence has credibility on Capitol Hill, a factor that could settle anxious lawmakers. “I think people trust Pence,” the official said.

Another GOP official said Pence was a poor choice to lead the response, given
his track record in Indiana with an HIV crisis. The source also said the President should’ve put someone with medical experience in charge.

It’s unclear whether Pence, who has numerous campaign-related events in the coming weeks, will remain in Washington to coordinate or keep his campaign schedule.

On Thursday, Pence made a few additions to the Coronavirus Task Force, including economic adviser Larry Kudlow and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. He also appointed Deborah L. Birx as White House coronavirus response coordinator.

Birx, an American physician and diplomat who serves as ambassador-at-large and as US global AIDS coordinator, was appointed to her current job during the Obama administration. According to a source familiar with her situation, Birx was able to develop a close relationship with the Trump White House, in part because a Trump campaign official, Matt Mowers, became her chief of staff and remained in that role for almost two years.

Brix has overhauled the HIV strategy for the Trump administration, and in 2018 she and Pence developed a relationship when she spoke at the World AIDS Day event at the White House.

Brix did not ask for this job — the White House came to her, sources said.

Continued economic impact

The animating fear for Trump will likely be the continued economic fallout from the coronavirus. The economy has slowed with each successive year of the President’s term, as his tax cuts have failed to sparked sustained business investment and his trade war has inhibited it. That places the economic expansion at the mercy of consumers and their continued confidence.

The peril for Trump is that the coronavirus could yet tip the economy into recession. Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, currently puts odds of a 2020 recession at even money but says it would become probable if the crisis swells to a global pandemic.

An American president has not sought reelection during a recession since Jimmy Carter in 1980. Carter lost in a landslide to Ronald Reagan.

Whether Trump understands the magnitude of that risk in unclear. If inveterate optimists on his team, like Kudlow, haven’t warned him of that, one senior White House official expressed hope that outside voices can.

“Such warnings are on TV all the time,” the senior official said, “so I imagine he’s picked that up.”

CNN’s Kylie Atwood, Vivian Salama, Lauren Fox, Phil Mattingly, Jim Acosta and Kristen Holmes contributed to this report.

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Coronavirus news: Italy, China, Iran, South Korea all confirm new cases – CNN


Robert Redfield, the director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, testifies at a House Foreign Affairs Committee on Capitol Hill on Thursday.
Robert Redfield, the director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, testifies at a House Foreign Affairs Committee on Capitol Hill on Thursday. Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

The director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a simple message for Americans: No, you shouldn’t be afraid.

During a House Foreign Affairs hearing, Rep. Chrissy Houlahan asked CDC Director Robert Redfield a number of rapid-fire questions about what Americans should do as coronavirus spreads.

Houlahan said she wanted to ask simple questions, “for the human beings who are at home, for my kids, my family members, my community.”  

Redfield’s answers were equally simple.

Here’s the full exchange:

Houlahan: Should people be afraid?

Redfield: No.

Houlahan: Should people engage in regular handwashing and coughing into their sleeves?

Redfield: Absolutely.

Houlahan: Should people be stocking up on cleaning supplies?

Redfield: No.

Houlahan: Should people be stocking up on prescription medicines that they have?

Redfield: Not at this time.

Houlahan: Should people be stocking up on food supply?

Redfield: Not at this time.

Houlahan: Should you wear a mask if you are healthy?

Redfield: No.

Houlahan: Is there a website where people can go to access good information about these questions?

Redfield: Yes, absolutely,

When asked if Houlahan missed anything, Redfield took the time to add: “We need to make sure those N95 masks are available for the doctors and nurses that are going to be taking care of individuals that have this illness. And it really does displease me, to find people going out, there is no role for these masks in the community.” 

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Dow plunges 600 points as stocks fall into correction territory

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