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Live updates: Trump whistleblowers complaint and Joseph Maguires testimony – CNNPolitics

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire would not say if he spoke with President Trump about the whistleblower complaint, noting that his conversations with the President are privileged.

Democratic Rep. Jim Himes asked Maguire about his conversations with Trump. Here’s how the exchange unfolded:

Himes: Did you ever speak to the President about this complaint? 

Maguire: “My conversations with the President, because I am the Director of National Intelligence, are privileged, and it would be inappropriate for me because it would destroy my relationship with the President in intelligence matters to divulge any of my conversations with the President of the united States.”

Himes: “But, just so we can be clear for the record, you are not denying that you spoke to the President about this complaint?” 

Maguire: “What I am saying, congressman, is that I will not divulge privileged conversations that I have as the Director of National Intelligence with the President.”